Smart But Feeling Dumb: New Understanding and Dramatic Treatment for Dyslexia - Harold N. Levinson, M.D.
For those concerned with or wondering about the inner workings of dyslexia and its many indicative symptoms, you can find no better book.
For someone like me, who has little familiarity or experience with the disease, neither through family or friends, nor otherwise, I had the conception going into it that I was going to, as the title implies, 'feel dumb', since most medical texts are over my head with their thesaurus-drowned wordings. Levinson doesn't do that, though. He wrote this book for the every-man: the concerned parent, the questioning teacher, the confused adult. Though its 488-page length is alone intimidating, the easy-to-understand phrasing and frequently used supporting case studies should make this a relatively easy read for those looking further in this disease and its inner workings.
And in no small way does he elaborate on his advancements in the field, only one of which is his 3D Auditory and Tactile Scanners, which have helped in monitoring the progress and development of a person's basic motor functions. Mind you, even this much is over my head, but I have little doubt that this hefty, informative guide will aid those seeking help and guidance in identifying and maintaining dyslexia.